Number Grid

Number Grid Practice

We will be using the number grid just about every day in Math. It is important that your child be able to use it efficiently and correctly.  Here are some activities that you can do at home with your child to help him/her learn how to use it and learn from it.  Please practice each day.  You only need to spend about 10 minutes on it.

- Point to the numbers as you read them aloud

- Point to any random number, then practice counting up

- Point to any random number, then practice counting down

- Point and count by fives

- Point and count by twos

- Point and count by tens

- Point to a number then tell what is one more

- Point to a number then tell what is one less

- Start on a number, count up several spaces, then tell the number (addition)

- Start on a number, count back several spaces, then tell the number (subtraction)

- Look for patterns on the grid


It is important that your child be able to point accurately.  This is going to take some practice.  Show him/her how to control and slow the finger down to match what he or she is saying.